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While anxiously awaiting our turn on the Aiguille du Midi cable car, we bolstered our courage with a café au lait and a sweet crêpe, followed by....

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...fondue and a glass of wine to celebrate surviving the ordeal.

The Aiguille du Midi  

("Needle at Midday")

Erin is not fond of heights (to put it mildly), so taking a series of lifts up to 12,605 feet was asking a lot. Waiting around for several hours for our appointed time heightened the anxiety, as did the fact that the second of our two lifts went a short distance, stopped, then backed up to the platform while the operator conferred on the phone about an issue before trying again. Erin's a good sport, but her expressions as we ascended give a good indication of her feelings. We stayed at the top only long enough for a few photos before heading back down to safety.

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This was more than just a little success story. For Erin, surviving the Aiguille du Midi was HUGE !

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